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Gerry Wagner: Tags

Website tags are crucial in organising content, improving user navigation, and enhancing SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) performance. Here's a brief overview of how tags are utilised across web platforms:

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Organising Content

Tags help categorise content on a website, making it easier for users to find related topics. For example, a blog post about digital marketing might be tagged with "SEO," "Content Marketing," and "Digital Strategy." This allows visitors interested in these specific areas to discover other related content by clicking on these tags.

Improving User Navigation

Using tags, websites can create a more intuitive and user-friendly navigation system. Tags offer a flexible way to explore content without the strict hierarchy of traditional categories. This can significantly enhance the user experience, as visitors can follow their interests more organically and exploratorily.

Enhancing SEO

From an SEO perspective, tags help search engines understand the content of a page and its relevance to specific search queries. Well-chosen tags can contribute to the thematic consistency of content, improving a website's search engine rankings for those topics. However, using tags wisely is essential to avoid duplicate content, which can negatively impact SEO.

Best Practices for Using Tags

  • Relevance: Ensure tags are directly relevant to the content to avoid confusing users and search engines.
  • Consistency: Maintain consistent tagging across your site to help users navigate related content smoothly.
  • Limitation: Don't over-tag. Too many tags can dilute their usefulness and potentially harm your site's SEO.


In summary, when used correctly, tags are a powerful tool for content organisation, user navigation, and SEO. They can make a website more accessible and engaging for visitors while helping search engines index and rank content more effectively.